Welcome to the Seniors Go Digital e-Learning Platform
The 2016 Council Resolution on A New Skills Agenda for an Inclusive and Competitive Europe reflects a common vision about the role of skills. Skills are a pathway to employability and prosperity. With the right skills, people are better equipped to find good-quality jobs and can fulfill their potential as confident, active citizens. They are the key to social cohesion. People need a broad set of skills to fulfill their potential both at work and in society. Acquiring skills is a lifelong process and starts very young, and continues to be strengthened throughout life.
Many senior citizens enjoy good health, aging often brings difficulties preventing older citizens from accessing goods and services and living independently. Ensuring accessibility for all is both a question of fundamental rights and crucial to making the most of the potential that senior citizens have in social and economic terms. Adult learning provides a means of up skilling or re-skilling those affected by unemployment and age, as well as makes an important contribution to social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development.
The consortium proposes to join the efforts of MS to offer innovative, targeted and high quality lifelong learning opportunities to senior citizens for the acquisition of digital skills, which will support in a systemic way active aging, access, social inclusion, participation and personal development though the use of the digitalized learning eco-system to be developed, as well as through the e-services, e-governance, e-participation and e-communication provided in each partner country.
The direct target group of the Seniors Go Digital project is adults aged 60+ (seniors) who are low skilled, retired, unemployed, refugees, etc, while the indirect group is adult educators and related organisations in the field of adult education such as NGOs, VET centres etc.
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